Get in touch

We'd love to talk about how we can help you.

Call us:

(+95) 9943208534

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8th floor, Si Taw Gyi Condo, Pyay Road, Mayangone township, Yangon

A better way to boost productivity

We believe that all our products and platform based service help many local businesses. Hope you will be a part of it.

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Our values

What it's like to work here

We are keep working hard on building platforms to help local businesses. We are not business domain experts. So you are invited and participate with us to build the tech platforms for growing Myanmar economy.

We know that technology is not difficult but there is always something we need to understand more about your business to be able to provide a good solution that fit you. For such a case, feel free to ask us support for any questions you have. Let’s build the future of our country together.